Commercial and Residential Painting

Whether your project is large or small, there are usually many surface imperfections that need repair, perhaps even full replacement before any painting project should begin.  All repairs and construction should be done first.  This is why we perform an initial inspection on any project's surfaces, such as wood, masonry or stucco, and wrought-iron. Your project is ensured to go smoothly from start to finish because we provide detailed documentation and estimates guaranteeing the job will be done right the first time at a price that is competitive and accepted prior to any work being done.

Special painting services we provide include drywall repair and preparation, texturing, and decorative paint finishes. DuFaux Designs uses high quality products to extend the life of your paint job, and aims to use the most eco-friendly products available. 

We pride ourselves on the quality and craftsmanship of our work.   Relationship-building means we go out of our way to work around your schedule, approach each job as if it was our own home, and help you with the coordination of your third party contractors (roofing, gutters, windows, construction, electrical, plumbing, remodels, termite inspections, home inspections, septic, landscaping, flooring, etc.).   

We are genuinely thankful and proud that our clients continue to return year after year, and consistantly and confidently refer us to their friends and family.